in/am/auf: slow down glasses

Inspired by the work "Shock Absorber" of David Rockeby, glasses which filter out movements would also be interesting. These should also be attached to some Wii or acceleration sensors, to understand, which movement is caused by turning your head and shouldn't be taken away.

in/am/auf: zoom glasses

The only thing, that cameras do better than eyes, is zooming. What about extending your sense with this feature? The zoom glasses would be connected to an acceleration sensor. If there is no movement the glasses zoom in very slow, otherwise they zoom out to have a wide angle.

in/am/auf: moshing peruke

A peruke, that starts to mosh, if the surrounding sound gets loud enough.

in/am/auf: instant presenter

Due to more and more ad hock presentations, a jacket holding an internal graphic card would be usefull. It shows your latest presentation as soon as a projector is attached to the vga output.

in/am/auf: digital identity in a real world

More and more people do their job in offices. Therefore the references to the material we are working with, cannot be seen in our clothes anymore (like it is for the craftsmen). We are only computer guys. There is need for a new differetiation visualised in details of our clothes.