in/am/auf: google ring > technology
For the google ring I wan't to use this OLED (organic light emitting-diode) made by Osram. This is a schema which components would be needed to display the 8 digits long google hit counter. If the ring is stored in its casket over night the serial connections RX and TX get connected to a processing sketch. The ring is updated.
Question: Is it possible to plug off the serial connection and plug it on again later without having to reset the microcontroller?
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in/am/auf: what if...
...someone likes the ideas and wants to sell them commercial?
> Do I wan't this?
> How could I present the "products" so they are not missunderstood? Cp. Sweet Dreams Security "R. Bunnit , Peter Pin and Didoo".
> Is the object a solution for the problem? Cp. this project about Nike's sweatshops by Jule Jenckel.
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in/am/am: google ring > technology
Possibility 1:
Ring with lcd or led technologie. The communication could be working like Michael Schmitz' "I Love Button"
But the problem is that there are no small enough lcd or leds. The smallest 7 segment led is about 7,5 x 5 x 14 mm.
Or the ring could be self adjusted like a bike lock.
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in/am/am: updating status symbols
My previous idea of a google watch brings me to a larger topic: updated (wearable) status symbols. So I think of other objects that are communicating, which skills we have.
The cosmopolitan watch
As globalisation becomes true, it is important to be a cosmopolitain. This skill can be measured by the number of different countries you have visited or how often you are travelling. It is also kind of a new status symbol, so it should be intergrated in an old one. I think about a watch with a small counter similar to the date counter. When you have to change the time of the watch (because you arrived in another time zone) the counter increases by one.
(Alternative: A suitcase with a lcd instead of the stickers, which show where it has been?)
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in/am/am: selfdefined appearance
Clothes sometimes vary between shame and sex appeal. Caused to some environmental reason it may not be possible for a person to appear the way he/she wants. So he/she could create a selfdefined appearance of himself, transmitted via bluetooth.
Which picture/icon would people choose, if this would be transmitted as their personal appearance?
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in/am/auf: bluetooth burqa
Thinking of the rules in the Koran I wonder if it would be allowed for a women to extend her burqa with a bluetooth transmitter. This would send a portrait (of the person wearing the borqa) to other interested people, who could display it using their mobile phone.
I think about this idea in a context of extending people's real life identity/appearance with a digital layer. So this is the opposition of my first idea, where I tried to show people's virtual identity in form of physical ensigns.
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